Poetry: “If I Had Known” by Sanni MonsuruAdetunji
If I had known,
I would have paused the
Sacred moment that we
Spend to spent, when the
Haze of your love
Cluster my heart like a
If I had known,
I would have travelled
Through the path of time,
Just to be with you.
If I had known,
I would have been to
The sorcerer, to cast
Your aroma of love on me.
If I had known,
I would have sat with you,
Day and night, to dance
To the rhythm of your heart.
If I had known,
I would have drank
From the fountain of
Longevity, just to be
Aged with you.
If I had known,
I would have visited
The sky-
To see the star-gazer
Just to realigned our stars;
To see the moon
To aglow our faded dreams;
To see the sun
Just to fetch rays to
Reignite our faded love.
If I had known,
I would have listened to
The gossip songs of the
Whirling winds, chanting-
Never sow all your seeds
In on farm.
Sanni MonsuruAdetunji
Metabolism and Toxicology of Antioxidants, at Molecular Drug Metabolism and Toxicology
Research Laboratories, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is a young and aspiring poet that
dwells in the wilderness of word-smiting not long ago.